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The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch 2008 Online Subtitrat

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Miliardarul Nerio Winch este gasit inecat. Crima ridica multe semne de intrebare, din moment ce Nerio este CEO-ul puternicului W Grup, un concern international. Cine va mosteni toata averea din moment ce Nerio n-a avut familie? Un secret iese la iveala din trecutul intunecat al capitalistului: intr-un orfelinat din Bosnia traieste fiul sau nestiut, Largo, acum aruncat intr-o inchisoare si acuzat de trafic de droguri! Izul de conspiratie il ambitioneaza pe Largo sa-l descopere pe ucigasul tatalui sau si sa preia fraiele imperiului condus de acesta.
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Billionaire Nerio Winch is found dead, drowned. An obviously suspicious death as Nerio is the founder and majority shareholder of the powerful and sprawling W Group. Who will inherit this financial empire? Officially, Nerio had no family. But he had a secret he kept well-hidden: a son, Largo, adopted nearly thirty years before from a Bosnian orphanage. The only problem is this young heir has just been thrown in prison deep in the Amazon. Accused of drug trafficking, he claims he's innocent. Nerio murdered. Largo in prison. What if these two events were part of a plot to take control of the Winch empire?


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Il miliardario Nerio Winch viene trovato annegato. Una morte ovviamente sospetta, dato che Winch è il fondatore e azionista di maggioranza del potente W Group. Chi erediterà questo impero finanziario? Ufficialmente, Winch non ha famiglia, e quindi nessun erede. Ma aveva un segreto ben nascosto: un figlio, Largo, adottato quasi trent’anni prima in un orfanotrofio bosniaco…

The Heir Apparent: Largo Winch 2008
Largo Winch - (2008)
IMDB:6.4/10 din 7099 voturi
Gen:Aventura, Suspans
Durata:108 minute
Country: France | Belgium
Regia:Jérôme Salle
Actori:Radivoje Bukvic, Theodore Thomas, David Gasman, Kristin Scott Thomas, Tomer Sisley
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