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Domovoy 2008 Online Subtitrat

Un romancier rus in pana de inspiratie asista neputincios la o crima chiar in fata librariei sale unde dadea autografe. Pentru el era inspiratia perfecta. Toata viata a scris despre crime intre mafiotii rusi dar niciodata pana atunci nu asistase la asa ceva. Ceea ce nu stia el era faptul ca "fusese ales" sa scrie viitoarea carte chiar de catre asasin, carte ce avea la baza un proces de acuzatie adevarat impotriva unui mare mahar rus. Asasinul este o minte diabolica cand vine vorba de a`si pune planul in aplicare, asa ca, il manipuleaza pana in ultima clipa pe scriitor astfel incat omorurile la care va asista pe parcursul scrierilor sale vor cadea asupra sa.......dar mai are o mica sansa de a se salva.

In Moscow, Anton is out of ideas for his "Ghost" novels about a hit man, based on old news accounts. At a book signing, a man buys Anton's latest; then, on a street below, Anton sees the man murder a witness in an upcoming trial. Days later, the killer chats up Anton at a café, offering ideas for plots. Anton accepts and his writing improves. Meanwhile, he has a troubled relationship with Mika: she's forgiving, but his drinking and late-night writing sessions drive her away. Plus, he spends precious little time with his son, who's in an institution. Slowly, the hit man raises the ante with Anton: how far will a writer go to understand his fictional character?

Domovoy - (2008)
The Ghost
IMDB:7.0/10 din 799 voturi
Country: Russia
Durata:145 minute
Regia:Karen Oganesyan
Actori:Ramil Sabitov, Vitaly Kishchenko, Konstantin Khabenskiy, Vladimir Mashkov, Chulpan Khamatova
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