Filmul ne aduce in prim-plan familia Smith-Dungy, o familie disfunctionala cu 3 copii, unde parintii sunt total dezinteresati de acestia. Pasiunea fiicei lor cele mari, Emily, in varsta de 16 ani, este sa sara coarda. In momentul in care aceasta participa intr-o comepetitie de sarit coarda importanta pentru ea, iar parintii ei uita sa-si faca aparitia, Emily se hotaraste sa repare lucrurile, si pune la cale un plan sa-si rapeasca proprii parinti in speranta de a-i reeduca si de a-i transforma in niste parinti adevarati. De aici lucrurile iau o intorsatura comica.
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The story of 16-year-old Emily Smith-Dungy, an incredibly motivated uber-achiever, who has grown increasingly frustrated with her parents’ lack of parental support and guidance. When mom Samantha (a no-nonsense high powered business executive with no time for the family) and dad Duncan (a happy go-lucky artist who can’t be bothered to earn a paycheck) miss their daughter’s big jump-roping competition, Emily hits her breaking point. Steaming from yet another parental slight, Em enlists the help of her siblings to take her parents hostage, in order to teach the family to be “normal”.
Family Weekend - (2013)
IMDB:6.0/10 din 1755 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Regia:Benjamin Epps
Actori: Kristin Chenoweth, Matthew Modine, Shirley Jones, Olesya Rulin, Joey King, Eddie Hassell, Robbie Tucker, Chase Maser, Adam Saunders, Peter Gail, Lisa Lauren Smith
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foarte tare filmul
Frumos film; subliniaza ideea ca o familie unita este singurul lucru de care cineva (in special copilul) are nevoie.
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