Ecranizarea cartii scrise de jurnalistii Bob Woodward si Carl Bernstein, inspirata din marele scandal de presa Watergate, care a dus la demisia presedintelui Richard Nixon, aflat la a doua legislatura. In vara anului 1972, doi reporteri de la Washington Post, care in alte circumstante n-ar fi putut colabora, intra pe firul unui story incendiar. In urma unei spargeri la Hotelul Watergate, se descopera ca oamenii presedintelui american in exercitiu au pus sub ascultare opoz. ...vezi alte informatii
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
In this four time Oscar winning film, the details of the Watergate scandal are explored. Two reporters, Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein work to uncover all of the details of the fateful even that lead to the resignation of the infamous President Richard Nixon.
All the President's Men - (1976)
Toţi oamenii preşedintelui
IMDB:8.0/10 din 46455 voturi
Gen:Drama, Istoric, Suspans, Biografie, Mister
Durata:138 minute
Regia:Alan J. Pakula
Actori:Jane Alexander, Ned Beatty, Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, John McMartin
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