La mijlocul anilor '70, tanarul Augusten (Joseph Cross) duce o viata specifica clasei de mijoc alaturi de tatal sau alcoolic (Alec Baldwin) si de o mama schizofrenica (Annette Bening), o poeta cu nici o carte publicata, obsedata in acelasi timp sa devina faimoasa. Cind parintii divorteaza, mama lui Augusten il trimite la familia psihologului ei (Brian Cox), un tip foarte excentric. Lui Augusten nu-i e deloc usor sa se acomodeze in casa acestuia..
The story of how a boy was abandoned by his mother and how he, later, abandoned her. The year he'll be 14, the parents of Augusten Burroughs (1965- ) divorce, and his mother, who thinks of herself as a fine poet on the verge of fame, delivers him to the eccentric household of her psychiatrist, Dr. Finch. During that year, Augusten avoids school, keeps a journal, and practices cosmetology. His mother's mental illness worsens, he takes an older lover, he finds friendship with Finch's younger daughter, and he's the occasional recipient of gifts from an unlikely benefactor. Can he survive to come of age?
Running with Scissors - (2006)
Alergand ca apucatii
IMDB:6.0/10 din 16280 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Durata:116 minute
Regia:Ryan Murphy
Actori:Jack Kaeding, Gabriel Guedj, Patrick Wilson, Alec Baldwin, Gabrielle Union
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