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Soul Men 2008 Online Subtitrat

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Cu toate ca au trecut aproximativ 20 de ani de cand au vorbit ultima data unul cu celalalt, Floyd Henderson – un om de afaceri pensionat si Louis Hinds – un fost condamnat la inchisoare, care au cantat impreuna muzica soul in populara formatie “The Real Deal” din anii ’70, accepta sa participe la un spectacol organizat la Apollo Theater din New York pentru a aduce un ultim omagiu liderului respectivei formatii pe nume Marcus Hook, care decedase recent....
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When R&B legend Marcus Hooks dies suddenly, VH-1 invites his original back up duo, Floyd Henderson and Louis Hinds, "The Real Deal," to appear at a memorial tribute at the Apollo Theater. Floyd, who's bored in retirement, wants this more than anything; Louis, a philosophical ex-con, does not. Plus, there's bad blood between them (Louis's wife Odetta left him to marry Floyd - then left Floyd). Floyd begs, Louis consents but won't fly, so they leave L.A. in Floyd's flashy Cadillac with five days to get to New York. On the road, they must get back their vocal chops, renew their friendship, and sort out the past. With Floyd's bad hip and Louis's bad kidneys, will they even make it?

Soul Men - (2008)
Fraţi de suflet
IMDB:6.3/10 din 5381 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Drama, Muzica
Durata:100 minute
Regia:Malcolm D. Lee
Actori:Adam Herschman, Affion Crockett, Fatso-Fasano, Jackie Long, John Legend
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