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Code Inconnu 2000 Online subtitrat

Film realizat in perioada 1999-2000 cu sprijinul Eurimages si selectionat la Cannes editia 2000. Film psihologic ce prezinta povesti de viata ale unor oameni cu origini diferite, din categorii sociale, familii si religii diferite, având meserii si probleme diferite. Ei se intâlnesc intâmplator in Paris in momente deosebite care le marcheaza existenta fara insa ca ei sa se cunoasca intre ei. Gabriela Stanica.Info
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



Jean, a farm lad, wants to escape his silent father; he runs to Paris to his older brother, Georges, who's away covering the war in Kosovo. Angry, he throws a bag of half-eaten pastry into a beggar's lap. Amadou, a young Franco-African, berates him. The police arrive, arrest Amadou and deport the beggar. Georges's girlfriend Anne is upset; it colors her relationship with Georges when he returns from the war. Separate lives intersect for the one moment, around the pastry bag, and all are altered. We follow each as repercussions of the incident play out. Deaf children bookend the film pantomiming words, feelings, and situations: what they are expressing?

Code Unknown: Incomplete Tales of Several Journeys - (2000)
Cod necunoscut
Alt titlu:Code inconnu: Récit incomplet de divers voyages
IMDB:7.0/10 din 5295 voturi
Gen:Razboi, Romantic, Drama
Durata:118 minute
Regia:Michael Haneke
Actori:Juliette Binoche, Maurice Bénichou, Didier Flamand, Bruno Todeschini, Alexandre Hamidi
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