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House of Wax 1953 Online Subtitrat

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Profesorul Henry Jarrod (Vincent Price), un sculptor care lucreaza in ceara pentru un muzeu specializat afla cu stupoare ca partenerul lui intentioneaza sa provoace un incendiu pentru a incasa asigurarea. Cum acesta nu este de acord cu partenerul lui, intre cei doi ia nastere un conflict. Cativa ani mai tarziu, Henry isi deschide propriul muzeu al figurilor de ceara. Cum deschiderea coincide cu disparitia unor cadavre de la morga, asistentul lui il suspecteaza pe Henry in dispariti.

Professor Henry Jarrod is a true artist whose wax sculptures are lifelike. He specializes in historical tableau's such a Marie Antoinette or Joan of Arc. His business partner, Matthew Burke, needs some of his investment returned to him and pushes Jarrod to have more lurid exposes like a chamber of horrors. When Jarrod refuses, Burke set the place alight destroying all of his beautiful work in the hope of claiming the insurance. Jarrod is believed to have died in the fire but he unexpectedly reappears some 18 months later when he opens a new exhibit. This time, his displays focus on the macabre but he has yet to reproduce his most cherished work, Marie Antoinette. When he meets his new assistant's beautiful friend, Sue Allen, he knows he's found the perfect model - only unbeknown to anyone, he has a very particular way of making his wax creations.

House of Wax - (1953)
Casa de Ceara
IMDB:7.0/10 din 6300 voturi
Gen:Suspans, Mister, Groaza, Crima
Durata:90 minute
Regia:André De Toth
Actori:Dabbs Greer, Charles Bronson, Vincent Price, Paul Picerni, Carolyn Jones
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