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Il Decameron 1971 Online Subtitrat

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"Pasolini a adaptat mai multe povestiri ale lui Boccaccio in care cautarea reprezinta singurul scop de a trai. Dincolo de brutalitatea dialogurilor si a situatiilor frapeaza aici calitatea artistica exceptionala a evocarilor medievale." - Dictionnaire des Films - 1991 (Larousse). Detalii film
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



An adaptation of nine stories from Bocaccio's "Decameron": A young man from Perugia is swindled twice in Naples, but ends up rich; a man poses as a deaf-mute in a convent of curious nuns; a woman must hide her lover when her husband comes home early; a scoundrel fools a priest on his deathbed; three brothers take revenge on their sister's lover; a young girl sleeps on the roof to meet her boyfriend at night; a group of painters wait for inspiration; a crafty priest attempts to seduce his friend's wife; and two friends make a pact to find out what happen= s after death. Pasolini is up to his old tricks satirizing the Church, and throwing in liberal doses of life and love.Imdb


Streaming: Nowvideo Videopremium

Le novelle di Ser Ciappelletto, morto in odore di santità, e dell’allievo di Giotto ne legano altre sette: Andreuccio viene derubato da una donna che si finge sua sorellastra, ma si rifà spogliando di tutti i gioielli la salma di un alto prelato; Masetto, finto sordomuto, entra in un convento di suore dalle quali si lascia sedurre…

Il Decameron - (1971)
IMDB:7.0/10 din 4231 voturi
Gen:Comedie, Drama
Durata:112 minute
Country: Italy | France | West Germany
Regia:Pier Paolo Pasolini
Actori:Ninetto Davoli, Franco Citti, Angela Luce, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Maria Gabriella Maione
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