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The Blue Lagoon 1980 Online Subtitrat

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Frumuseţea luxuriantă şi splendoarea unui tărâm de vis din Sudul Pacificului sunt surprinse în romanul lui Henry De Vere Stacpoole, din 1903. Doi copii şi un bucătar de pe un vas supravieţuiesc în urma unui naufragiu şi reuşesc să ajungă...Detalii film
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



On a journey to San Francisco, Richard, his father and cousin Emmeline find themselves on a ship about to explode. Rushed to a lifeboat with Paddy Button, the two children escape while their father (and uncle) are on another lifeboat. In the chaos following, the lifeboats are separated. Paddy, Richard and Emmeline find themselves with no food and no water stuck in the middle of nowhere. After some time, the three come across an uncharted paradise, where Paddy quickly teaches the children fishing, hunting and building. After maybe a month or two, Paddy gets very drunk off a barrel of rum found on the island when they first arrive, and drowns in the middle of the night. Emmeline and Richard, now alone and very scared, move location and rebuild their island home. Many years later, the two young teenagers have developed a very real home, but hormones and feelings between the two strain their friendship, until Richard, who is still very determined to reach San Francisco, is let down by

Laguna albastră
IMDB: 5.4/10 din 28796 voturi
Gen: Aventura, Drama, Romantic
Durata: 104 minute
Regia: Randal Kleiser
Actori: Alan Hopgood, Christopher Atkins, Brooke Shields, Leo McKern, Gus Mercurio
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