Un film documentar care spune povestea unor dinosauri. Povestea incepe intr-o zi de vara in Canada unde o turma de Edmontosaurus traieste. Dupa o vara cu mancare din belsug, incet incet se apropie iarna iar resursele incep sa se termine. Frigul arctic si iarna se apropie. Oare vor reusi sa iasa toti cei din turma Edmontosaurus dinntr-o iarna grea?..

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Set 70 million years ago in the Cretaceous period in North America, this animated docu/drama follows the journey of a young Edmontosaurus named Scar and his herd as they migrate south for the winter. This film depicts recent findings about Dinosaurs, such as Tyrannosaurs with feathers...Info
March of the Dinosaurs
Regia:Matthew Thompson
Actori:Stephen Fry, Simon Kerr
Țară: Canada
Gen:Animatie, Documentar, Drama
Durata:87 minute
IMDB:6.4/10 din 217 voturi
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