"Mouchette este singurul film al lui Bresson intr-adevar pesimist. In acest film nu se intampla nimic. Fiinte absente care se agita la suprafata unui dialog eliptic, a unor gesturi economice in spatiul unui univers inchis. Singuratatea apasa aici mai mult ca oricand." - Rene Gardies - 1967 (Image et son).
Mouchette is a young girl living in the country. Her mother is dying and her father does not take care of her. Mouchette remains silent in the face of the humiliations she undergoes. One night in a wood, she meets Arsene, the village poacher, who thinks he has just killed the local policeman. He tries to use Mouchette to build an alibi.
Regia:Robert Bresson
Actori:Nadine Nortier, Jean-Claude Guilbert, Marie Cardinal, Paul Hebert, Jean Vimenet
Durata:78 minute
IMDB:7.8/10 din 4158 voturi
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