N-Secure este o drama palpitanta amestecata cu un iz de haos, crime si manipulare in randul profesionistilor. Filmul ne arata viata unui om aflat pe culmile succesului, ce pierde totul intr-o secunda. Relatiile romantice tulburatoare il vor trimite intr-o retea de evenimente ce includ crima si tradarea.
Cd1 720
Cd2 720
N-Secure is a no holds-barred thrilling drama mixed with murder, mayhem and manipulation among affluent professionals. This film sheds light on a man's downfall from the pinnacles of success into the depths of his damaged character. His insecurities lead him into a series of troubled romantic relationships and eventually a web of events that include betrayal and murder.
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IMDB:2.7/10 din 433 voturi
Regia:David M. Matthews
Actori:Cordell Moore, Denise Boutte, Toni Trucks, Steve Conn, Sabrina Tiller
Gen:Drama, Crima, Suspans
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