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The Relic 1997 Online Subtitrat

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Intra - daca indraznesti. Este seara vernisajului unei noi expozi]ii la Muzeul de Istorie Naturala din Chicago. Dar te prevenim: ceva terifiant vrea sa se asigure ca nu mai pleaca nimeni de acolo. Penelope Ann Miller, Tom Sizemore, Linda Hunt si James Whitmore sunt protagonistii acestui thriller plin de efecte speciale, cu un decor insolit. Iar vedeta cu origini supranaturale (adusa la via]a de catre Stan Winston, premiat cu Oscarul pentru Jurassic Park) e ceva ce n-ar trebui sa rateze nici un a.dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720


A researcher at Chicago's Natural History Museum returns from South America with some crates containing his findings. When the crates arrive at the museum without the owner there appears to be very little inside. However, police discover gruesome murders on the cargo ship that brought the crates to the US and then another murder in the museum itself. Investigating the murders is Lt. Vincent D'Agosta who enlists the help of Dr. Margo Green at the museum - she has taken an interest in the contents of her colleague's crates. Unknown to both there is a large creature roaming the museum which is gearing itself up for a benefit reception which the city's mayor is to attend...Info

The Relic
Regia:Peter Hyams
Actori:Tom Sizemore, John Kapelos, Clayton Rohner, Francis X. McCarthy, James Whitmore
Gen:Groaza, Mister, Suspans
Durata:110 minute
IMDB:5.5/10 din 13611 voturi
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