Cel mai bun scenariu, Catalonian International Film Festival 2003 Când Ana şi familia ei ajung la cabana lor de la ţară, o găsesc ocupată de nişte străini. Această descoperire este doar începutul unei proces de învăţare dureroasă. Nimic nu mai este cum a fost. Ceea ce a început ca povestea unei familii este o dramă care acoperă tot în jurul lor. Dar în acelaşi timp este şi o legendă, povestea unuiu sacrificiu, povestea unui sfânt.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
In an undefined time, the environment has been totally destroyed and now the water is contaminated and the animals have been burned. Georges Laurent travels with her wife Anne Laurent, their teenage daughter Eva and their son Ben from the city to their cabin in the countryside. On the arrival, they find that intruders have broken in the house, and one stranger kills George. Anne, Eva and Ben wander through the village asking for shelter and supplies for their acquaintances, but they refuse to help them. They reach an abandoned barn and spend the night inside. On the next morning, they meet a teenage boy and they walk together to a train station, where they find other survivors. Together, they wait for the train expecting to go to a better place in the middle of the chaos...Info
Time of the Wolf
Vreme de restrişte
Alt titlu:Le temps du loup
Imdb: Ratings: 6,6/10 from 5.892 users
Durata:114 minute
Regia:Michael Haneke | Michael Haneke | Michael Haneke | Ethan Coen | Joel Coen | Cristian Mungiu | Paul Thomas Anderson | Lars von Trier | Steve McQueen | Pedro Almodóvar | Andrey Zvyagintsev | Pedro Almodóvar | Jean-Pierre Dardenne | Luc Dardenne | Laurent Cantet
Actori:Daniel Duval, Béatrice Dalle, Olivier Gourmet, Maurice Bénichou, Branko Samarovski
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