Eldon Perry (Kurt Russell) e un politist veteran al departamentului de Anchete Speciale al politiei din Los Angeles si care nu se dã înapoi de la a încãlca legea, pentru a-i pune dupã gratii pe cei care o meritã. Însã atunci când partenerul sãu, Bobby Keough (Scott Speedman) e ucis, Eldon dã pe fatã toate fãrãdelegile superiorilor sãi, ajutãnd-ul pe viitorul sef al politiei Arthur Holland (Ving Rhames) sã-si ducã ancheta la capãt. Filmul are ca fundal violentele care au cuprins orasul Los Angeles în urma achitãrii celor patru politisti acuzati a-l fi ucis în bãtaie pe Rodney King, membru al comunitãtii de culoare.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Set in the Los Angeles Police Department in April 1992, Dark Blue is a dramatic thriller that takes place just days before the acquittal of four white officers in the beating of black motorist Rodney King and the subsequent L.A. riots. In this racially-charged climate,the LAPD's elite Special Investigations Squad (SIS) is assigned a high-profile quadruple homicide. As they work the case, veteran detective Eldon Perry, known for his tough street tactics and fiery temper, tutors SIS rookie Bobby Keough in the grim realities of police intimidation and corruption. Meanwhile, Assistant Chief Holland, the only man in the department willing to stand up to the SIS, threatens to end Perry's brand of singlehanded "justice" on the Los Angeles streets. While navigating through the tumultuous neighborhoods of South Central L.A., Perry and Keough must track down cold-blooded killers and face their own demons, which prove to be more ruthless than the criminals they pursue.Info
Dark Blue
Oraşul în flăcări
Regia:Ron Shelton
Actori:Ving Rhames, Scott Speedman, Dana Lee, Kurt Russell, Kurupt
Gen:Crima, Drama, Suspans
Durata:118 minute
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