In anul 2000, un cutremur major loveste Los Angelesul, fapt in urma caruia zona orasului este separata de continent, devenind o insula izolata. Orasul este transformat de presedintele Statelor Unite intr-o inchisoare de maxima securitate, in care sunt trimisi cei care incalca legile morale impuse. In anul 2013 un terorist, Cuervo Jones, se foloseste de fiica presedintelui si reuseste sa fure, cu ajutorul acesteia, o arma aflata in posesia guvernului. Snake Plissken, eroul din Evadare din New.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
The year is 2013 and Snake Plissken is back but this time it's L.A., which through the agency of earthquakes has become an island of the damned. But something has gone wrong in this new moral order, because the President's daughter has absconded to L.A. with a detonation device, and Snake is commandeered to retrieve it. But just below the surface there is a coiled Snake ready to strike...Info
Escape from L.A.
Evadare din Los Angeles
Regia:John Carpenter
Actori:Stacy Keach, Peter Jason, Cliff Robertson, Valeria Golino, Jordan Baker
Gen: Actiune, Aventura, SF, Suspans
Durata:101 minute
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