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Juice 1992 Online Subtitrat

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Juice spune povestea a patru tineri din cartierul Harlem. Dupa ce afla ca prietenul lor a fost ucis intr-un bar, Q, Bishop, Raheem si Steel incep sa lipseasca de la scoala. Dar Bishop crede ca ei nu au tupeu, nu au gustat sangele si nu isi respecta deloc prietenul. Ei trebuie sa se razbune. Pentru a capata curaj, ei dau o spargere intr-o alimentara unde totul decurgea bine, pana cand Bishop il impusca pe vanzator fara nici un motiv. Ei fug pana intr-o alee intunecata unde Raheem ii cere pistolul lui Bishop, dar acesta refuza si in urma incaierarii, Raheem este impuscat mortal. Numai doua persoane mai stiu cine e adevaratul vinovat, iar acum Bishop vrea sa ii elimine pe toti.dsrtghdsp
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4 Harlem teens, Q, Bishop, Raheem and Steel, are out skipping school one day when they find out an old friend was killed in a shootout at a bar. After this, Bishop tells his friends that they have no respect, or juice. To get some, they rob a corner grocery store, but the lunatic Bishop intentionally shoots the clerk for no apparent reason. They run into an alley where Raheem tells Bishop to give him the gun, they fight, and Raheem gets shot. Only the other 3 know what happened, and Bishop wants to get rid of them too...Info

Regia:Ernest R. Dickerson
Actori:Samuel L. Jackson, Queen Latifah, Victor Campos, Eric Payne, Omar Epps
Gen:Crima, Drama, Suspans
Durata:95 minute
IMDB:6.8/10 din 8543 voturi
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