Detectivul Go Geon-soo are o zi grea, iar urmatoarele evenimente se intampla in mai putin de 24 de ore.El primeste o notificare de divort de la sotia lui.Mama lui moare.In drumul sau spre inmormantarea mamei sale, comite un accident fatal si fuge.Apoi incerca sa ascunda accidentul prin ascunderea cadavrului in sicriul mamei sale decedate.Dar cineva l-a vazut si il suna pe Geon-soon si predinde ca e singurul martor de la crima si incepe sa il santajeze.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Detective Go Geon-soo is having a hard day, and the following events happen to him in less than 24 hours: He receives a divorce notice from his wife. His mother passes away. He and his coworkers are investigated by police inspectors over alleged embezzlement. Then on his way to his mother's funeral, he drives recklessly and commits a fatal hit and run. He tries to cover-up the accident by hiding the man's corpse in his deceased mother's coffin. But someone has been watching all along, and Geon-soo gets a mysterious call from a person claiming that he was the sole witness to the crime, who now begins to threaten him.

A Hard Day 2014
Gen:Actiune, Crima, Suspans
Durata:111 minute
Country: South Korea
Regia:Seong-hoon Kim
Actori:Seon-gyun Lee, Jin-woong Jo, Man-shik Jeong, Jeong-geun Sin, Cho Jin-Woong
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