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Mission Impossible 2 2000 Online Subtitrat

Tom Cruise si John Woo, doua din cele mai reprezentative figuri din lumea filmului au facut echipa pentru realizarea thrrilerului romantic Misiune Imposibila 2, care il arunca Ethan Hunt intr-o criza internationala de o amploare deosebita. Avand alaturi un geniu in computere, Luther Stickell (Ving Rhames) si in minte o frumoasa hoata (Thandie Newton), Hunt strabate Australia si Spania in ceea ce pare a fi o misiune imposibila: sa opreasca un personaj negativ inainte ca acesta sa-si indeplineasca misiunea distructiva. ..
Cd1 720
cd2 720


IMF agent Ethan Hunt has been sent on a mission to retrieve and destroy the supply of a genetically created disease called 'Chimera'. His mission is made impossible due to the fact that he is not the only person after samples of the disease. He must also contest with a gang of international terrorists headed by a turned bad former IMF agent who has already managed to steal the cure called 'Bellerophon' and now need 'Chimera' to complete their grand plan of infecting the whole world. In order to infiltrate and locate the terrorist group he relies on the help of an international thief Nyah of whom he quickly develops a love interest. Time is not only running out for Agent Hunt to find and destroy 'Chimera' before the terrorists get their hands on it, but he must also find 'Bellerophon' so as to save his love interest who has already become infected by the disease from a terrible and rapid death...Info



Il dottor Dr. Nekhorvich, un biologo molecolare russo che lavora in Australia per una grande azienda farmaceutica, la Biocyte Farmaceuticals, muore, in quello che sembra essere apparentemente, un incidente aereo mentre è in viaggio per gli Stati Uniti. Nel messaggio inviato, poco prima di partire all’amico Ethan Hunt, un agente segreto americano di IMF (Impossible Mission Force), parla in modo poco chiaro di qualcosa…

Mission: Impossible II (2000)
Misiune: Imposibila 2
IMDB:5.9/10 din 144307 voturi
Gen:Actiune, Aventura, Suspans
Durata:123 minute
Regia:John Woo
Actori:Mathew Wilkinson, Ving Rhames, Rade Serbedzija, William Mapother, Tom Cruise
Mission: Impossible II (2000) on IMDb
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