Un fost pilot de curse de masini devenit acum instructor este rapit de un hot misterios si fortat sa fie soferul unui atac ilegal ce ii pune pe ambii in fata politistilor si a mafiei si ii duce intr-o cursa infernala pe coasta Australiei.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
A former race car driver turned driver's training instructor (Jane) is abducted by a mysterious thief (Cusack) and forced to be the wheel-man for a crime that puts both in the sights of the cops and the mob and leads them all on a chase across Australia's Gold Coast...Info
Drive Hard (2014)
Durata: 92 min
Gen: Action | Comedy | Crime
Country: Canada | Australia
Regizor: Brian Trenchard-Smith
Scriitori: Chad Law, Evan Law
Actori: John Cusack, Thomas Jane, Zoe Ventoura, Damien Garvey, Christopher Morris, Yesse Spence, Andrew Buchanan
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