In sfârşit, un film pentru toţi cei care au vrut să fie... altcineva. Craig Schwartz (John Cusack), un păpuşar neapreciat, se angajează ca funcţionar la etajul 7 1/2 al unei clădiri de birouri. Plictisit de căsnicia sa de 10 ani cu Lotte (Cameron Diaz), Craig devine obsedat de frumoasa Maxine (Catherine Keener), care însă îl respinge. Supărat, Craig se întoarce în biroul său, iar într-un moment de exasperare, izbeşte o uşă şi descoperă un pasaj secret. ...

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Puppeteer Craig Schwartz and animal lover and pet store clerk Lotte Schwartz are just going through the motions of their marriage. Despite not being able to earn a living solely through puppeteering, Craig loves his profession as it allows him to inhabit the skin of others. He begins to take the ability to inhabit the skin of others to the next level when he is forced to take a job as a file clerk for the off-kilter LesterCorp, located on the five-foot tall 7½ floor of a Manhattan office building. Behind one of the filing cabinets in his work area, Craig finds a hidden door which he learns is a portal into the mind of John Malkovich, the visit through the portal which lasts fifteen minutes after which the person is spit into a ditch next to the New Jersey Turnpike. Craig is fascinated by the meaning of life associated with this finding. Lotte's trips through the portal make her evaluate her own self. And the confident Maxine Lund, one of Craig's co-workers who he tells about the

Craig è un burattinaio fallito. Sua moglie, Lotte, lavora in un negozio di animali. Marito e moglie hanno l’aria sudicia. Sciatti, disordinati, irrisolti e simpatici, galleggiano nella provvisorietà. Craig trova un impiego nell’archivio di uno strano ufficio dove una porticina, nascosta dietro uno schedario, è in realtà un passaggio segreto nella testa di John Malkovich. Il quale, dopo quindici minuti, ti vomita nel New Jersey, in un prato vicino all’autostrada…
Being John Malkovich
În pielea lui John Malkovich
Gen:Fantezie, Drama, Comedie
Durata:112 minute
Regia:Spike Jonze
Actori:John Cusack, Cameron Diaz, Catherine Keener, John Malkovich, Orson Bean, Mary Kay Place, Charlie Sheen, Ned Bellamy, Eric Weinstein, Madison Lanc, Octavia Spencer, K.K. Dodds, Reginald C. Hayes, Byrne Piven, Judith Wetzell, Kevin Carroll, W. Earl Brown
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