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Kriegerin 2011 Online Subtitrat

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Marisa, o tânără germană de 20 de ani, urăşte pe străini, pe evrei, pe poliţişti, pe toţi cei pe care îi consideră vinovaţi pentru declinul ţării ei. Ea provoacă scandaluri, bea, se bate, iar următorul tatuaj pe care şi-l va face va fi cu Adolf Hitler. Singurul loc pe care îl poate numi acasă e gaşca ei de neo-nazişti unde ura, violenţa şi orgiile sunt la ordinea zilei. Atunci când Svenja, de 14 ani, se alătură grupului, Marisa devine modelul ei: un exemplu pur de…dsrtghdsp
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Marisa, a 20-year-old German girl, hates foreigners, Jews, cops, and everyone she finds guilty for the decline of her country. She provokes, drinks, fights and her next tattoo will be a portrait of Adolf Hitler. The only place she feels home is the Neo-Nazi gang she belongs to, where hate, violence, and heavy parties are the daily rules. When 14-year-old Svenja joins the group, Marisa appears like a role model to her: she fits the purest idea of a combat girl fighting for the group's ideology. But Marisa's convictions will slowly evolve when she accidentally meets a young Afghan refugee. Confronted to him, she will learn that the black and white principles of her gang are not the only way. Will Marisa ever be able to get out of this group?..Info

Alt titlu:Combat Girls
Durata:100 minute
Country: Germany
Regia:David Wnendt
Actori:Alina Levshin, Jella Haase, Sayed Ahmad Wasil Mrowat, Gerdy Zint, Lukas Steltner, Uwe Preuss, Rosa Enskat, Haymon Maria Buttinger, Winnie Böwe
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