Omar, de Hany Abu-Assad, este povestea a trei copii şi a unei tinere femei, ale căror destine sunt afectate negativ de lupta lor pentru libertate. Este primul film complet auto-finanţat al cinematografului palestinian. În Omar joacă Waleed Zuaiter, cunoscut publicului prin rolul din serialul câştigător de premiu Emmy din Homeland...

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
Omar (Adam Bakri) is a Palestinian baker who routinely climbs over the separation wall to meet up with his girl Nadja (Leem Lubany). By night, he's either a freedom fighter or a terrorist -- you decide -- ready to risk his life to strike at the Israeli military with his childhood friends Tarek (Eyad Hourani) and Amjad (Samer Bisharat). Arrested after the killing of an Israeli soldier and tricked into an admission of guilt by association, he agrees to work as an informant. So begins a dangerous game-is he playing his Israeli handler (Waleed F. Zuaiter) or will he really betray his cause? And who can he trust on either side?....Info
Gen:Drama, Suspans
Durata:96 minute
Country: Palestine
Regia:Hany Abu-Assad
Actori:Waleed Zuaiter, Adam Bakri, Samer Bisharat, Eyad Hourani, Leem Lubany
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