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Flawless 2007 Online Subtitrat

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E Furtul perfect este un film a carui actiune se petrece în anii 1960. Michael Caine îl interpreteazã pe Mr. Hobbs, un portar pe cale de pensionare. Dar înainte de a pleca, Hobbs se gandeste ca poate fura cateva diamante de la compania pentru care lucreaza, London Diamond Corporation. Pentru a-si pune planul în aplicare, el va avea nevoie de ajutorul colegei sale (Demi Moore) care ocupa functia de director.dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
Cd2 720



London, 1960. Laura Quinn is the lone female executive at London Diamond Corporation. She is frustrated as her talents are rarely acknowledged and her less-experienced male co-workers are promoted ahead of her. She is shocked, but intrigued, when the mild-mannered night janitor, Mr. Hobbs, approaches her with a daring but simple plan to steal a handful of diamonds from the vault. Laura agrees to help, but she is soon in over her head. And it is not long before insurance investigator Mr. Finch has his eyes on her.movieinfocopy


Londra, primi anni 60. Mr. Hobbs, un uomo delle pulizie, è sul punto di ritirarsi, ma non vuole farlo a mani vuote; chiede quindi a Laura Quinn, una insoddisfatta executive, di aiutarlo a derubare la London Diamond Corporation, la società per la quale i due lavorano…

Furtul perfect
Un colpo perfetto (2007)
Gen:Crima, Drama, Suspans
Country: UK | Luxembourg
Durata:108 minute
Regia:Michael Radford
Actori:Michael Caine, Demi Moore, Constantine Gregory, Nathaniel Parker, Lambert Wilson, David Henry, Joss Ackland, Simon Day
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