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Maps To The Stars 2014 Online Subtitrat

In orasul tuturor posibilitatiilor, Hollywood, trei viitoare stele se intalnesc.Este vorba de Benjie care este deja un star la varsta de doar 13 ani, o actrita care vrea sa devina celebra Havana Segrand si Sanford Weiss, la care tatal ei este un actor cunoscut de succes.Dar toate cele trei o sa ajunga sub controlul lui Agathei, sora lui Benjie, care este o tanara ce sufera de piromanie.Agatha ajunge asistenta lui Havana, care are un vis, ...
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The Weiss family is the archetypical Hollywood dynasty: father Stafford is an analyst and coach, who has made a fortune with his self-help manuals; mother Cristina mostly looks after the career of their son Benjie, 13, a child star. One of Stafford's clients, Havana, is an actress who dreams of shooting a remake of the movie that made her mother, Clarice, a star in the 60s. Clarice is dead now and visions of her come to haunt Havana at night... Adding to the toxic mix, Benjie has just come off a rehab program he joined when he was 9 and his sister, Agatha, has recently been released from a sanatorium where she was treated for criminal pyromania and befriended a limo driver Jerome who is also an aspiring actor.




La famiglia Weiss si sta facendo strada nella assolata California del sud, tra soldi, sogni, fama, invidie, desiderio ed implacabili fantasmi. Sanford Weiss è un famoso terapista televisivo con una lunga lista di clienti molto famosi, sua moglie Cristina Weiss si occupa della carriera del figlio 13enne, star della televisione. La coppia ha un’altra figlia, Agatha: a insaputa di tutti è appena tornata in città, misteriosamente sfregiata. Agatha stringe amicizia con…

Maps to the Stars
Durata:111 minute
Country: Canada | USA | Germany | France
Regia:David Cronenberg
Actori:Julianne Moore, Mia Wasikowska, John Cusack, Robert Pattinson, Olivia Williams, Sarah Gadon, Evan Bird, Carrie Fisher, Jayne Heitmeyer, Niamh Wilson, Amanda Brugel, Emilia McCarthy, Kiara Glasco, Joe Pingue, Ari Cohen, Justin Kelly
Maps to the Stars (2014) on IMDb
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