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Tammy 2014 Online Subtitrat

Tammy are cea mai proasta zi din viata. A fost concediata de la fast foodul la care lucra, masina i s-a stricat si acasa, in loc sa gaseasca linistea de care avea nevoie, il gaseste pe sotul sau facandu-si de cap cu vecina. Tammy decide sa plece unde vede cu ochii. Problema este ca este falita si nu are masina. Singura care o poate ajuta este bunica sa Pearl care viseaza sa vada Niagara Falls. Pe drum, cele doua femei se inteleg din ce in ce mai bine. Zoey incepe sa vada viata cu alti ochi…



Tammy, who was recently fired from a Topper Jack's fast food restaurant, returns home only to find her husband enjoying a romantic meal with the neighbor. She quickly packs her necessities, and travels down three houses to her parent's home. Upon denied use of her mom's car to drive to Niagara Falls, she quickly resorts to an "ailing" grandmother, who also lives in the home...Only instead of traveling alone, Grandma Pearl wants in on the road trip.

Durata:97 minute
Regia:Ben Falcone
Actori:Melissa McCarthy, Allison Janney, Susan Sarandon, Kathy Bates, Dan Aykroyd, Mark Duplass, Mia Rose Frampton, Sarah Baker, Elisa Gabrielli, Rey Hernández, Shelby Townsend, Kristi Booher, Barbara Weetman, Lemuel Heida, Kaitlyn Ervin, James Alcorn, Larry Dorf, Ricky Muse, Paul Shaplin, Sheila Brothers, Kathy Walton Pulley, Oscar Gale, Robert Gregory Cole, Rusty Burrow, Christopher Cozort, A.J. Verel, Jonathan Edwards, Jason Vail, Joseph Milton Hodges Jr., Zach Hanner, Mia Clarke, Todd Davis, Randy Grazio, Tom Gore, Rich Williams, Kevin M. Conte, Carolyn Foland, William Flaman, Brian Patrick Moize, Kent Sublette, Laura Avery, Rob Springer, Mary Beth Hawkins, Roxanne Bush, Matt Perkinson, Namiah Potter, Caitlyn Brarens, Shannon Blackledge, Willie Hill, Angela Williams, Karen Malina, John Merical, Joe Montanti, James Nass, Darrell Rackley, Selena V. Raffaele, David Schifter
Tammy (2014) on IMDb
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