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All Relative 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Când Harry, un student absolvent de la New York, se întâlnește Grace, el cade imediat de ea. Cu ajutorul unor sfaturi, datând din divortata seducător, Harry instanțelor succes Grace. Dar când el a introdus la părinții ei, un secret comun transformă lumea lui într-un coșmar viu. Forțată să supraviețuiască un week-end plin de tensiune și momente penibile social, legăturile de ambele cupluri sunt testate la punctul de rupere.dsrtghdsp
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When Harry, a graduate student in New York City, meets Grace, he immediately falls for her. With the help of some dating tips from a seductive divorcee, Harry successfully courts Grace. But when he's introduced to her parents, a shared secret turns his world into a living nightmare. Forced to survive a weekend riddled with tension and socially awkward moments, the bonds of both couples are tested to their breaking point.movieinfocopy

All Relative
Gen:Comedie, Drama, Romantic
Durata:85 minute
Regia:J.C. Khoury
Actori:Jonathan Sadowski, Sarah Steele, Sara Paxton, Connie Nielsen, David Aaron Baker
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