Tes, Dawn si Kara sunt femeile in jurul carora se concentreaza actiunea filmului. Vietile lor se schimba radical atunci cand Tes are un run-in cu un strain interesant pe nume Mel. Atunci cand Mel ofera fetelor o sansa la o viata mai buna prin intermediul criminalitatii, acestea se gasesc intr-o situatie de viata sau moarte care implica un criminal psihopat, un camionangiu si un bucatar delirant.

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For Tes (Akerman) and her two cohorts Kara (Nikki Reed) and Dawn (Deborah Ann Woll), the job sounded simple enough: intercept a double-cross drug shipment for their crime boss Mel (Willis) at an isolated diner. But when an unstoppable chain of events unfolds, everyone soon realizes no one is who they seem and the job may be something other than eliminating the competition. What started as simple instructions has now turned into a deadly cat-and-mouse game - with large guns pointed at everyone.

Tes, Kara e Dawn, tre criminali in cerca dell’occasione della loro vita, vengono assoldate dal perfido Mel, un boss narcotrafficante opportunista, che affida loro un delicato compito da portare a termine. Lungo la strada che devono attraversare tra una rapina e l’altra, le tre ragazze vanno incontro a molte difficoltà causate in primo luogo da un pericoloso assassino che…
Catch .44 (2011)
Rating IMDB: 4.7/10 din 8993 voturi
Gen: Suspans | Drama | Actiune
Regia: Aaron Harvey
Durata: 94 minute
Actori: Bruce Willis, Kate Mara, Malin Akerman, Forest Whitaker, Nikki Reed, Deborah Ann Woll
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