Managerul unui post de radio local care are cel mai mic rating din ţară ajunge să dea lovitura cu ideile sale despre programe şi asta doar pentru a salva Canalul 62 de a se duce pe apa sâmbetei.

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
George Newman (Yankovic) is a normal man. Problem is, he's also a daydreamer, who can't keep hold of a steady job. His uncle decides George will be the perfect man to manage Channel 62, a station which is losing money and viewers fast. George's imagination is put to good use and he starts thinking up bizarre shows such as "Wheels of Fish" and "Raul's Wild Kingdom". The ratings start to soar again, but not everyone is happy.

UHF - I video idioti
Durata:97 minute
Regia:Jay Levey
Actori:David Bowie, Kevin McCarthy, Victoria Jackson, Weird Weird Al Yancovic, Michael Richards, Fran Drescher, Stanley Brock, Anthony Geary
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