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Unknown 2011 Online Subtitrat

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Doctorul Martin Harris (Liam Neeson) pleacă alături de soţia sa (January Jones) în Berlin pentru a participa la o conferinţă de specialitate. În urma unui accident cumplit de maşină, Martin se trezeste pe un pat de spital, confuz şi fără să aibă idee cum a ajuns acolo. La scurt timp, constată stupefiat că nimeni nu îl recunoaşte şi este privit ca un străin chiar şi de către soţia lui.dsrtghdsp
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A biochemist and his dishy wife arrive in Berlin for a conference at which a scientist and his controversial Arab funder will announce breakthrough research. While his wife checks into the hotel, he grabs a cab to return to the airport for his briefcase, left at the curb. En route, an auto accident puts him in a coma, from which he awakes four days later without identification and with gaps in his memory. He goes to the hotel: his wife refuses to recognize him and another man has claimed his identity. With help from a nurse, the cab driver, a retired Stasi agent, and an academic friend, he tries to unravel what's going on. Is the answer in the briefcase?.movieinfocopy



Dopo un incidente automobilistico a Berlino in seguito al quale è stato ricoverato in stato di incoscienza, il dottor Martin ha un pessimo risveglio: scopre infatti che, improvvisamente, sua moglie sembra non riconoscerlo più. Non solo: un altro uomo si è impossessato della sua identità…

Unknown (2011)
Gen: Drama | Mister | Suspans
Country: UK | Germany | France | USA
Regia: Jaume Collet-Serra
Durata: 113 minute
Actori: Liam Neeson, Diane Kruger, January Jones, Aidan Quinn, Bruno Ganz, Frank Langella, Sebastian Koch, Karl Markovics, Sanny Van Heteren, Mido Hamada, Stipe Erceg, Clint Dyer, Michael Baral, Olivier Schneider, Adnan Maral, Wolfgang Stegemann, Petra Hartung, Eva Löbau, Rainer Sellien, Torsten Michaelis, Charlie Gardner, Herbert Olschok, Oskar Schieferstein, Oliver Stolz, Helen Wiebensohn, Sebastian Stielke, Rainer Bock
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