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C.R.A.Z.Y. 2005 Online Subtitrat

Este istoria a doua povesti de dragoste. Dragostea unui tata pentru cei cinci fii ai sai. Si dragostea unuia dintre fii pentru tata, o iubire atat de puternica incat il obliga sa traiasca o viata mincinoasa. Acel fiu este Zac Beaulieu, nascut in sfanta zi a Craciunului, un baiat complet diferit de fratii sai, dar disperat sa se integreze printre acestia. In urmatorii 20 de ani, viata il ia pe Zac intr-o calatorie total surprinzatoare si complet neasteptata care, pana la urma, il face sa isi acce.

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Born Christmas Day 1960, Zac Beaulieu is the fourth of five sons of Gervais and Laurianne Beaulieu. Zac feels somewhat disconnected to his brothers, all of whom are different from each other. They include the bookworm Christian who is the eldest, the dumb jock Antoine who is third, and the youngest Yvan. But Zac has the most contempt for his second eldest brother, the shiftless druggie Raymond. To his devout Catholic mother, Zac is her miracle son, both for being born the same day as Jesus Christ (a fact which Zac has always hated), and because a Tupperware-selling mystic once told her that he has the power to heal.

C.R.A.Z.Y. - (2005)
Durata:127 minute
Country: Canada
Regia:Jean-Marc Vallée | Tom Ford | Pedro Almodóvar | Fatih Akin | Pedro Almodóvar | Denis Villeneuve | Gregg Araki | Ang Lee | Alejandro González Iñárritu | Sam Mendes | Gus Van Sant | Darren Aronofsky | Lone Scherfig
Actori:Michel Côté, Marc-André Grondin, Danielle Proulx, Émile Vallée, Pierre-Luc Brillant, Ali Larter, Maxime Tremblay, Alex Gravel, Natasha Thompson, Johanne Lebrun, Mariloup Wolfe, Francis Ducharme, Hélène Grégoire, Michel Laperrière, Jean-Louis Roux, Mohamed Majd, Claude Gagnon, Jean-Alexandre Létourneau, Sébastien Blouin, Félix-Antoine Despatie, Gabriel Lalancette, Denis Trudel, Paule Ducharme, Aline Hooper, Isabelle Page, Christian Vezina, Anik Vermette
C.R.A.Z.Y. (2005) on IMDb
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