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Mall 2014 Online Subtitrat

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Considerand ca nu mai are nimic de pierdut, Malcolm, un tanar proscris decide ca ii va ucide pe toti cei care ii apar in cale. Dotat cu o geanta plina de arme letale si bombe artizanale, Malcolm se indreapta spre cel mai apropiat mall si isi incepe campania impotriva cumparatorilor nevinovati aflati la shopping in cel mai nepotrivit moment. Este o zi fatala pentru un om de afaceri lacom, o casnica deprimata, un pervers depresiv si un adolescent tipic. Viata lor se va schimba pentru totdeauna intr-o singura zi.dsrtghdsp

Cd1 720
Cd2 720


Malcom's done with his life. Only the noise of Crystal Meth gives him a reason to keep going - everything else it has long regardless. Equipped with a bag full of weapons and self-made bombs, he makes his way to the nearby mall to really stir things up. On his personal war campaign, he not only changes his life radically, but also the fate of other people who are in the wrong place at the same time: a teenager whose favorite pastime is smoking pot in his dreary existence, a housewife, where their best days have been left behind, a greedy businessman whose only desire is to increase his wealth and a depressed pervert.movieinfocopy

Mall ( 2014 )
Mall A Day to Kill
Mall: O zi Pentru a Ucide
Durata: 88 min
Gen: Drama
Country: USA
Writers: Sam Bisbee, Eric Bogosian
Actori: James Frecheville, Cameron Monaghan, Ron Yuan, India Menuez, B.K. Cannon, Vincent D'Onofrio, Morgana Wise, Shannon Freyer, Jamie Noel
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