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Revenge of the Green Dragons 2014 Online Subtitrat

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O poveste petrecuta in New York in anii ’80 bazata pe o intamplare adevarata. Doi imigranti, prieteni buni, Steven si Sonny se baga intr-o banda, Green Dragons. Ei ajung repede in varful bandei, ajungand sa fie cunoscuti si de politistii orasului. Sonny se indragosteste de Tina cu care are o relatie de dragoste. La scurt timp dupa asta prietenul lui Steven este omorat de un membru din banda. Acuma Sonny e hotarat sa ii toarne pe toti din banda Green Dragons.dsrtghdsp
Cd1 720
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Cd1 1080p
Cd2 1080p


REVENGE OF THE GREEN DRAGONS follows two immigrant brothers Sonny (Justin Chon) and Steven (Kevin Wu) who survive the impoverished despair of New York in the 1980s by joining Chinatown gang "The Green Dragons". The brothers quickly rise up the ranks, drawing the unwanted attention of hard-boiled city cops. After an ill- fated love affair pits Sonny against his own brother, he sets out for revenge on the very gang who made him who he is. movieinfocopy

Revenge of the Green Dragons (2014)
Razbunarea Dragonilor Verzi
Durata: 94 min
Gen: Action | Crime | Drama
Country: Hong Kong | USA
Directors: Wai-Keung Lau, Andrew Loo
Writers: Michael Di Jiacomo, Andrew Loo
Actori: Justin Chon, Kevin Wu, Harry Shum Jr., Ray Liotta, Jin Auyeung, Shuya Chang, Carl Li, Leonard Wu, Eugenia Yuan
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