Atunci cand partenerul său este ucis, un detectiv gaseste la locul crimei un card de date de la o cameră video.Cardul conține imagini filmate de către doi adolescenți fugari care fac un documentar despre moartea legata de droguri . Detectivul reconstituie călătoria adolescenta si in curand incepe sa descopere un traseu al morții..

Cd1 720
Cd2 720
When a detective is called in to investigate the roadside execution of his partner, he discovers at the crime scene a data card from a video camera. The card contains footage shot by two runaway teenagers who are making a documentary about the drug related death of a sibling. The detective retraces the teen's journey and soon begins to uncover a trail of the dead that leads all the way back to police headquarters.

The Reckoning
Gen:Crima, Mister, Suspans
Durata:86 minute
Regia:John V. Soto
Actori:Viva Bianca, Hanna Mangan Lawrence, Jonathan LaPaglia, Alex Williams, Luke Hemsworth
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