Acesta este un film setat la sfârșitul dinastiei Ming. Cele 3 personaje principale sunt toate dispozitivele de elita pentru palat. Ei trebuie să meargă după Wei Zhongxian (Jin Shijie), care este pe fugă și trebuie să fie prins cu orice preț .

This is a movie set in the late Ming Dynasty. The 3 main characters are all elite guards for the palace. One of their fellow guardsmen goes bad. His former companions must now forget their bond and apprehend him. But are they being lured into a larger conspiracy against their emperor?

Brotherhood Of Blades
Xiu Chun Dao (2014)
Durata: 111 min
Gen: Action | Drama | Romance
Country: China
Director: Yang Lu
Writers: Yang Lu, Chen Shu,
Stars: Chen Chang, Shih-chieh Chin, Zhu Dan, Dong-xue Li, Shishi Liu, Yuan Nie, Qianyuan Wang, Qing Ye, Lixin Zhao, Yiwei Zhou, Dan Zhu
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