Hector este un psihiatru care s-a saturat de viata pe care o duce. Conform spuselor sale, Hector simte ca isi inseala pacientii: le da fel si fel de sfaturi pacientilor sai cand el insusi nu a profitat din plin de viata, nu a experimentat mare lucru. Decide sa evadeze din rutina si sa cutreiere lumea in lung si-n lat, in cautarea fericirii. Se aventureaza din Shanghai in Africa intalnind in drumul sau tot felul de personaje ciudate: pe bancherul Edward, dealerul de arme Diego dar si pe fosta sa iubita Agnes. Va reusi Hector sa gaseasca formula fericirii?

Hector is a quirky psychiatrist who has become increasingly tired of his humdrum life. He tells his girlfriend, Clara, that he needs to go on a journey to research happiness. Hector's flight gets upgraded to business class to China, and is seated next to a cranky businessman named Edward. Edward takes Hector to a very exclusive nightclub in Shanghai, where Hector meets a young woman named Ying Li and instantly falls for her.

Hector and the Search for Happiness
In Cautarea Fericirii (2014)
Durata: 120 minutes
Gen: Adventure | Comedy | Drama
Actori: Rosamund Pike, Toni Collette, Simon Pegg, Stellan Skarsgård, Christopher Plummer, Jean Reno, Jakob Davies, Deborah Rosan, Veronica Ferres, Togo Igawa, Chad Willett, Barry Atsma, Rebecca Davis, Raj Lal, Marcus Shakesheff, Tessa Jubber
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