Filmul urmareste viata a doi prieteni buni din copilarie, Bill si Epstein, spre sfarsitul anilor 1890, ei merg in capitala cautatorilor de aur aflata in Yukon Territory. Aceasta poveste om contra natura, pune eroii nostri intr-un tinut al bogatiei nedescoperite, dar rascolita de niste conditii aprige, vreme neprecisa si extrema, caractere periculoase precum si oameni de afaceri lacomi, curtezane seducatoare si triburi native urmarind distrugerea poporului lor si a pamantului de catre antrepenori oportunisti..

Klondike Sezonul 3 Ep 1 Part One @Vidto.me | Ita
Klondike Sezonul 3 Ep 2 Part Two @Vidto.me | Ita
Klondike Sezonul 3 Ep 3 Part Three @Vidto.me | Ita
Acest serial s-a Terminat

The lives of two childhood best friends, Bill and Epstein, in the late 1890s as they flock to the gold rush capital in the untamed Yukon Territory. This man-versus-nature tale places our heroes in a land full of undiscovered wealth, but ravaged by harsh conditions, unpredictable weather and desperate, dangerous characters including greedy businessmen, seductive courtesans and native tribes witnessing the destruction of their people and land by opportunistic entrepreneurs.

Gen:Aventura, Drama
Country: USA | Canada
Actori:Augustus Prew, Johnny Simmons, Sam Shepard, Tim Blake Nelson, Brian Markinson
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