Dramă de explorare a adevărul din spatele navetei spatiale Challenger 1986 dupa explozie. Cu peste 2,5 milioane de piese de schimb, Challenger a fost masina cea mai complexa care a fost vreodată construita. Chiar și cu atât de mult potențial , dr Feynman este încrezător că, cauza dezastrului poate fi determinată.

When Challenger exploded 73 seconds into its flight on the morning of 28 January 1986, it represented one of the most shocking events in the history of American spaceflight. A Presidential Commission was immediately convened to explore what had gone wrong, but with the vast complexity of the space shuttle and so many vested interests involved in the investigation, discovering the truth presented an almost impossible challenge. A truly independent member of the investigation was Richard Feynman. One of the most accomplished scientists of his generation, he worked on the Manhattan Project building the first atom bomb and won the Nobel Prize for his breakthroughs in quantum physics. Feynman deployed exceptional integrity, charm and relentless scientific logic to investigate the secrets of the Shuttle disaster and in doing so, helped make the US Space Programme safer.

Narra la drammatica verità dietro i fatti dell’esplosione dello shuttle Challenger nel 1986…
The Challenger Disaster
Alt titlu:The Challenger
Durata:90 minute
Country: UK | USA
Regia:James Hawes
Actori:Robert Hobbs, William Hurt, Bruce Greenwood, Kevin McNally, Brian Dennehy
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