O miniserie din 8 episoade despre doi ofiteri CIA , veterani Sandra Grimes si Jeanne Vertefeuille din ani 80 se bazeaza pe cartea "Circle of Treason,,

The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 1 My Name Is Aldrich Ames @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 2 Jewel in the Crown @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 3 Trip to Vienna @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 4 What's Done is Done @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 5 Check Mate @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 6 A Small Useless Truth @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 7 The Straw Poll @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
The Assets 2014 Sezonul 1 Ep 8 Avenger @Vk.com | Ro @Videomega.tv | Ita
Acest serial s-a Terminat
The Assets 2014 2014 1Sezon (Final)

Two veteran CIA officers Sandra Grimes and Jeanne Vertefeuille who hunted down CIA officer Aldrich Ames, a mole who fed information to the Soviet Union that contributed to the deaths of at least ten Soviet intelligence officers who had spied for the United States...Info
The Assets
Actori:Christina Cole, Goran Kostic, Jodie Whittaker, Catalina Denis, Julian Ovenden
Durata:60 minute
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