O comunitate aflata in carantina este infestata cu un virus care ii poate transforma pe membrii sai in adevarati zombie. Toti cei aflati acolo depind de medicamentele aflate in cortul de prim ajutor. E singura lor sansa de a ramane oameni. Desi situatia se agraveaza si vaccinurile nu isi mai fac de fiecare data efectul, iar strazile ajung sa fie invadate de zombie agresivi si periculosi, autoritatile continua sa sustina ca nu exista motive de alarmare, mizand pe o solutie extrema: sa le dea foc celor aflati in carantina. Reporterii aflati la fata locului sunt cei care afla subterfugiile acestei situatii letale, ajungand, totodata, sa faca tot ce le sta in putinta pentru a nu cadea ei insisi victima virusului.

In East Mission, Oregon, the Hit Point reporter Chase Carter and the camerawoman Jordan are covering stories from the people in quarantine of a zombie outbreak. The FEZA is using the vaccine Zombrex to inoculate the victims and Chase tries to interview Crystal LaRourke that is on the location. Out of the blue, the patients turn into zombies and Jordan flees with the Hit Point car, leaving Chase behind. He follows Crystal chased by zombies and she stumbles upon Maggie, a woman in shock that has just lost her daughter. They seek shelter in a loan store while Jordan arrives in the border but is sent to quarantine. While the military under the command of General Lyons want to bomb the city since Zombrex is ineffective, Chase, Crystal and Maggie fight to reach the border. Chase discovers a secret about Crystal while Jordan discloses the real intention of General Lyons.

Dead Rising
Dead Rising: Watchtower
Regia:Zach Lipovsky
Actori:Rob Riggle, Julia Benson, Patrick Sabongui, Darren Dolynski, Peter Benson
Durata:118 minute
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