In He Never Died este vorba despre un singuratic disperat care pentru a reduce pornirile sale canibale sa izolat in propria casa dar găsește viața lui răsturnata de mafioți interlopi și sosirea neașteptată a unei fiice de mult pierdute. Jack, un proscris socială, este scos afară din zona de confort atunci când lumea din afara bate la ușa lui și el nu poate face fata trecutului sau violent.

Jack's in a rut. Depression and severe anti-social behavior has whittled down his existence to sleeping and watching television. Seeing the human race as little more than meat with a pulse, Jack has no interest to bond with anyone. There's little purpose for him to make friends with someone he'd eventually eat or outlive by more than a millennia. The fuse is lit when Jack's past comes back to rattle him. Jack must now walk a tight rope of sobriety and try to eat as few people as possible in this violent tale of personal responsibility.

He Never Died
Regia:Jason Krawczyk
Actori:James Cade, Booboo Stewart, Austin Macdonald, Kate Greenhouse, Dan Petronijevic
Gen:Comedie, Drama, Suspans
Durata:99 minute
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