Este anul 1910, iar pictoriţa Gerda Gottlieb aşteaptă un model. Acesta întârzie să apară, aşa că Gerda îl roagă pe soţul ei, Einar, să îmbrace desuuri de damă pentru a-i poza. Niciunul dintre ei nu ştie că acest eveniment minor le va schimba vieţile: Einar se va reinventa treptat sub numele de Lili Elba, iar două decenii mai târziu va deveni primul bărbat din lume care va suporta o operaţie de schimbare a sexului.

Copenhagen, 1926. Danish artist, Gerda Wegener, painted her own husband, Einar Wegener (Eddie Redmayne), as a lady in her painting. When the painting gained popularity, Einar started to change his appearance into a female appearance and named himself Lili Elbe. With his feminism passion and Gerda's support, Einar - or Elbe - attempted one of the first male-to-female sex reassignment surgery, a decision that turned into a massive change for their marriage, that Gerda realized her own husband is no longer a man or the person she married before. A childhood friend of Einar, art-dealer Hans Axgil (Matthias Schoenaerts), shows up and starts a complex love triangle with the couple.

The Danish Girl (2015)
RegiaTom Hooper
Cu Eddie Redmayne, Alicia Vikander
Gen film Biografic Dramă
Durata 120 minute
Premiera in Romania 08.01.2016
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