Elena Michaels este un vârcolac, sau mai degrabă este singura femeie varcolac. După ce a lăsat în urmă Stonehaven, turma lui și lumea supranaturală, Elena primește un telefon de la Alpha, care îi cere să se întoarcă la Sanctuar. Lăsând Toronto și activitatea sa în calitate de jurnalist, Elena se întoarce acasă, un loc în care regulile de magie și de așteptare pentru un om care a încercat să uite de ani.

Lista episoadelor http://goo.gl/TxShqy
Sezonul 1 http://goo.gl/klwFUE
Episodul 01 - Summons http://bit.ly/1rg0VxF | https://goo.gl/PjS3UH
Episodul 02 - Prodigal http://bit.ly/1Yhs0hj | https://goo.gl/ewBK62
Episodul 03 - Trespass http://bit.ly/1tm7fFZ | https://goo.gl/TF79C0
Episodul 04 - Grief http://bit.ly/1PjObMu | https://goo.gl/cSJ9S0
Episodul 05 - Bitten http://bit.ly/1XKmZiA | https://goo.gl/L8Xt9S
Episodul 06 - Committed http://bit.ly/1UkhJiM | https://goo.gl/sYqIbv
Episodul 07 - Stalking http://bit.ly/1syamd0 | https://goo.gl/e2xjK5
Episodul 08 - Prisoner http://bit.ly/1tm6Mn4 | https://goo.gl/EvOUWW
Episodul 09 - Vengeance http://bit.ly/1VQ14oq | https://goo.gl/zihj1y
Episodul 10 - Descent http://bit.ly/25OScpc | https://goo.gl/8gWVwT
Episodul 11 - Settling http://bit.ly/1U4Ca4V | https://goo.gl/j9yeuP
Episodul 12 - Caged http://bit.ly/1PO4y9F | https://goo.gl/HjBvRE
Episodul 13 - Ready http://bit.ly/1XKmxB4 | https://goo.gl/oFnPIl
Sezonul 2 http://goo.gl/ah0cC3
Episodul 01 - Bad Blood http://bit.ly/21bRawI | https://goo.gl/H1Kygg
Episodul 02 - Scare Tactics http://bit.ly/21bQhEC | https://goo.gl/qJXMiP
Episodul 03 - Hell's Teeth http://bit.ly/25QKYNZ | https://goo.gl/vLeipk
Episodul 04 - Dead Meat http://bit.ly/22XrYLS | https://goo.gl/ssoJwQ
Episodul 05 - Rabbit Hole http://bit.ly/1tfV5xu | https://goo.gl/TYEdG9
Episodul 06 - Nine Circles http://bit.ly/1YdWGje | https://goo.gl/7qioQg
Episodul 07 - Bad Dreams http://bit.ly/1UGLiJU | https://goo.gl/1vwZ0g
Episodul 08 - Dark Arts http://bit.ly/1tfURXk | https://goo.gl/BzJUOH
Episodul 09 - Scavenger's Daughter http://bit.ly/1YhsYdm |https://goo.gl/dmQ5Lf
Episodul 10 - Fine Temporum http://bit.ly/1PjOsPw | https://goo.gl/MotbxJ
Sezonul 3 http://goo.gl/sjv6Kf
Episodul 01 - Family, of Sorts http://bit.ly/1UqlqiI | https://goo.gl/fVTtgq
Episodul 02 - Our Own Blood http://bit.ly/1TYVBGW |https://goo.gl/zCFVNu
Episodul 03 - Right Behind You http://bit.ly/1syaE3C | https://goo.gl/rB9wlv
Episodul 04 - A Quiet Dog http://bit.ly/1XKmYv1 | https://goo.gl/0iEV8z
Episodul 05 - Of Sonders Weight http://bit.ly/1UG82He |https://goo.gl/jdld6W
Episodul 06 - Rule of Anger http://bit.ly/1OfTfXs | https://goo.gl/EvFbEK
Episodul 07 - On the Brink http://bit.ly/25QMuj4 | https://goo.gl/8BY85Y
Episodul 08 - Tili Tili Bom http://bit.ly/1Yhtatc | https://goo.gl/ku2Bnq
Episodul 09 - Shock the System http://bit.ly/25QMU9c |https://goo.gl/JRPNpu
Episodul 10 - Truth, Changes, Everything http://bit.ly/25QLSdu |https://goo.gl/dhrEIr
_______Acest Serial s-a Terminat______________

Elena Michaels thought she left the world of supernatural behind when she left Stonehaven behind 'for good this time' she thought. Until the night she got the mysterious call from her pack leader asking her to come back. So now she is heading back, leaving her life as a normal photographer in Toronto for the moment to re-enter the world of werewolves, rules about protect the pack and a man she has spent years trying to get out of her system. Oh and did she mention she was the only living female werewolf in existence? ..Info

Bitten (2014)
IMDB:6.9/10 din 2357 voturi
Gen:Drama, Fantezie, Groaza
Actori:Michael Luckett, Genelle Williams, Curtis Caravaggio, Greyston Holt, Laura Vandervoort
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