The Devil's Rejects este o continuare a filmului House of 1000 Corpses (Casa celor o mie de cadavre), actiunea petrecandu-se cateva luni mai traziu, cand politia statului Texas ajunge la resedinta criminalei familii Firefly acuzata de moartea si disparitia a mai mult de o mie de oameni in ultimii cativa ani. Dar trei dintre membrii familiei, Otis, Baby si tatal lui Baby, capitanul Spauling, reusesc sa scape. Cei trei calatoresc la intamplare pe drumuri, lasand zeci de cadavre mutilate in urma lor. Politia statului Texas, FBI-ul si seriful Wydell, care vrea sa razbune moartea fratelui sau, sunt pe urmele lor, insa cei trei membri ai familiei Firefly, supranumiti acum Proscrisii Diavolului, le-au pregatit o surpriza.
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In Ruggsville, Texas, the police under the command of Sheriff John Quincy Wydell attack the house of the sadistic serial killers Firefly family (a.k.a. The Devil's Reject) and they arrest mother Firefly, but Otis B. Driftwood and Baby Firefly escape from the siege. Tiny is wandering nearby the house and also escapes. Otis and Baby call their patriarch, the mad clown Captain Spaulding and they schedule to reunite at an isolated motel in the desert. When Otis and Baby arrive, they kidnap two families of singers, using sadism and violence against the harmless persons. Meanwhile, Sheriff Wydell promises to capture and kill the runaways, seeking revenge for the death of his brother, the Deputy George Wydell.
The Devil's Rejects - (2005)
Casa celor o mie de cadavre 2
Gen:Suspans, Groaza, Crima
Durata:107 minute
Regia:Rob Zombie | Marcus Dunstan | John Erick Dowdle | Stevan Mena | Zev Berman | Scott Spiegel | Darren Lynn Bousman | Darren Lynn Bousman | David Hackl | Henry Miller | Robert Rodriguez | Albert Hughes | Allen Hughes | Takashi Miike
Actori:William Forsythe, Danny Trejo, Bill Moseley, Geoffrey Lewis, Brian Posehn
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