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Star Trek 10 Nemesis 2002 Online Subtitrat

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ULTIMA AVENTURA A UNEI GENERATII INCEPE. Dupa ce sunt indreptati de catre Federatie catre planeta Romulus, echipajul de pe Enterprise descopera ca de fapt Romulanii nu vor sa negocieze un tratat de pace, ci vor sa atace Pamantul..

Captain Jean-Luc Picard and his crew return to battle a chilling new adversary... that just happens to hold a shocking link to Picard! In the wake of a joyful wedding between William Riker and Deanna Troi, Picard receives another reason to celebrate: the Romulans want peace and the captain will be the Federation's emissary. But as the Enterprise heads towards Romulus, a brilliant villain awaits--harboring a diabolical plan of destruction and an unimaginable secret that will give Picard his most fearsome challenge. Shinzon, a Romulan-made clone of Picard, wants nothing less than the conquest of the Romulan Empire, the complete destruction of Earth and the death of Captain Picard himself.

Star Trek: Nemesis - (2002)
IMDB:6.3/10 din 39242 voturi
Gen:SF, Aventura, Actiune, Suspans
Durata:116 minute
Regia:Stuart Baird
Actori:Dina Meyer, Tom Hardy, Marina Sirtis, Ron Perlman, Alan Dale
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