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Sliver 1993 Online Subtitrat

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Sliver Heights se mută într-un apartament splendid în Manhattan, care are, însă, o istorie cam ciudată şi presarată cu decese produse în condiţii cel puţin anormale. Curtată de Jack dar preferându-l pe Zeke, Sliver trece prin momente de teamă şi groază, deoarece cei doi bărbaţi sunt din ce in ce mai suspecţi..
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Carly Norris is a book editor living in New York City who moves into the Sliver apartment building. In the apartment building, Carly meets two of her new neighbors, author Jack Lansford who writes thriller novels and Zeke Hawkins, the handsome owner of the apartment building. Carly finds that some of the women living in the apartment building have been murdered and the police suspect that there is a serial killer in the apartment building. Carly has a passionate and seductive love affair with Zeke, unaware Zeke has secretly wired the apartment building with hidden cameras and he has been watching the lives of each tenant living in the apartment building including Carly. Carly begins to suspect Zeke or Jack may be the serial killer responsible for the murders in the apartment building and she may be the killer's next victim


Zake si è fatto montare un complesso sistema di telecamere attraverso le quali spia tutto ciò che avviene nel grattacielo (chiamato Sliver) di sua proprietà. Da quando vi abita anche Carly, una giovane single che lavora in una casa editrice, dentro Sliver avvengono diversi omicidi…

Sliver - (1993)
Gen:Suspans, Romantic
Durata:108 minute
Regia:Phillip Noyce | Paul Verhoeven | Jane Campion | Uli Edel | Tony Gilroy | John Bailey | Brian Gibson | Adrian Lyne | Roger Kumble | Phil Joanou | John McTiernan | Brad Silberling | Tony Scott
Actori:Sharon Stone, William Baldwin, Tom Berenger, Polly Walker, Colleen Camp, Amanda Foreman, Martin Landau, CCH Pounder, Nina Foch, Keene Curtis, Nicholas Pryor, Anne Betancourt, Tony Peck, Frantz Turner, Melvyn Kinder
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