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Black Christmas 2006 Online Subtitrat

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Black Christmas este un remake al horror-ului omonim din 1974. Filmul prezinta povestea lui Billy, un tanar nascut de Craciun, care a fost maltratat de mama lui in copilarie. In ajunul Craciunului din 1975, cand Billy avea numai cinci ani, mama lui ii face unul dintre cele mai crude cadouri - ii omoara tatal cu sange rece infigandu-i un ciocan in cap si il inchide pe copil in pod pentru a nu dezvalui oribila crima. Singurul contact dintre ei de acum incolo este cand nemiloasa mama se duce sa-l p.
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In the 70's, the boy Billy is born with yellow skin due to a liver disease and his dysfunctional mother rejects him. Later he witnesses his mother and her lover killing his beloved father and burying him in the basement of their house, and he is locked in the attic alone along his childhood. When he is a teenager, he is sexually abused by his mother and she has a baby girl called Agnes. During Christmas, the deranged Billy escapes from his imprisonment, kills his mother and stepfather and blinds one eye of Agnes. He is declared insane and his sister is sent to an orphanage. In the present days, Billy escapes from the Clark Sanatorium to spend Christmas with his family. Meanwhile, his former house is the Delta Alpha Kappa sorority house in the campus of the Clement University, and the housemother and the sisters Kelli Presley, Dana, Lauren Hannon, Megan, Heather, Megan Helms, Melissa and Eve Agnew are preparing the house for Christmas party in a stormy night while Clair Crosby is in ...

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Billy viene rinchiuso in soffitta dalla madre, che ha deciso di crearsi una nuova famiglia dopo aver ucciso il primo marito. Quando il ragazzo riesce a fuggire, si vendica uccidendo la donna e il suo nuovo compagno. Anni dopo, nella stessa casa, succedono strane cose…

Black Christmas - (2006)
Craciun Negru
Black Christmas – Un Natale rosso sangue
IMDB:4.3/10 din 14745 voturi
Gen:Groaza, Suspans
Durata:84 minute
Regia:Glen Morgan
Actori:Katie Cassidy, Cainan Wiebe, Jessica Harmon, Leela Savasta, Robert Mann
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