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Darkman 3 Die Darkman Die 1996 Online Subtitrat

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Doctorul Westlake/ Darkman (Arnold Vosloo) revine la vechile sale trucuri, furand de la cei corupti si pastrand totul pentru el, in timp ce incearca sa-si perfectioneze pielea sintetica care nu rezista mai mult de 99 de minute la lumina zilei. Dupa ce fura de la industriasul si dealer-ul de droguri Peter Rooker (Jeff Fahey), Westlake este abordat de doctorul Bridget Thorne (Darlanne Fluegel), care s-a angajat sa realizeze o operatie prin care sa il elibereze de toata durerea cauzata de piele. I.
Cd1 720
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Darkman, needing money to continue his experiments on synthetic skin, steals a crate of cash from drug lord Peter Rooker, attracting the gangster's attention. Rooker is determined to find the source of Darkman's super strength, and uses his beautiful but evil doctor to lure Darkman into a trap. Thinking that the doctor will restore feeling to his tortured body, he discovers too late that they have taken a sample of his adrenaline, which they will market as a super steroid. As Darkman plans his revenge on Rooker's gang, he slowly begins to care about Rooker's neglected wife and daughter. He must now find a way to help them, and destroy Rooker before he uses the adrenaline to plunge the city into chaos.

Darkman III: Die Darkman Die - (1996)
Omul Intunericului III
IMDB:4.7/10 din 1780 voturi
Gen:Actiune, Crima, Groaza, SF, Suspans
Durata:87 minute
Regia:Bradford May
Actori:Nigel Bennett, Arnold Vosloo, Jeff Fahey, Ronn Sarosiak, Rick Parker
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