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Body Double 1984 Online Subtitrat

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Dublura este o poveste in stil Hitchcock despre seductie, mister si crima, realizata de celebrul regizor Brian De Palma. Jake Scully, un actor somer, este rugat sa aiba grija in lipsa stapanilor de un luxos apartament. Casa ii ofera lui Jack ocazia sa patrunda cu ajutorul unui telescop in intimitatea frumoasei sale vecine Gloria Revelle (Deborah Shelton), iar el incepe sa o urmareasca in mod obsesiv. Dar in momentul cand este martor la uciderea femeii, porneste intr-o urmarire disperata a.
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Jake comes home to find his girlfriend with another man and has to find a new place. In between his acting workshops and his job in a vampire B-movie, he scans the paper looking for anything. He happens to meet a fellow actor who needs a house sitter. Both are pleased with the arrangement that will have Jake staying in the house and for a sweetener, Frank shows him his 'favorite neighbor', a well built woman who strips with her window open each night. Jake becomes obsessed with meeting her and is able to help recover her purse from a thief, but shows his own phobia, he is incapacitated by claustrophobia when the thief runs through a tunnel. When Jake witnesses a murder, he finds out that the police love to pin crimes on peeping Toms. Jake discovers that here are just too many coincidences but must hunt them down himself without the police.

Body Double - (1984)
IMDB:6.6/10 din 12781 voturi
Gen:Crima, Drama, Mister, Suspans
Durata:114 minute
Regia:Brian De Palma
Country: USA
Actori:Guy Boyd, Craig Wasson, Melanie Griffith, Gregg Henry, Barbara Crampton
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